Sugarlogix Science and technology blog about nutrition research in human health Tue, 16 Jul 2024 13:24:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sugarlogix 32 32 How food affects metabolism Wed, 10 Jul 2024 12:58:43 +0000 If our diet lacks a necessary nutrient or if we are regularly deficient in it, our metabolic processes slow down or even stop.

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If our diet lacks a necessary nutrient or if we are regularly deficient in it, our metabolic processes slow down or even stop.

This is why health nutritionists have recently been recommending that we focus more on what foods to include in our diet than what foods to exclude.

Many scientists agree that diseases such as metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, as well as some cancers, may be partly caused by nutrition, or rather by a series of disorders in the functioning of different organs and systems, which in turn is partly caused by nutrient deficiencies or imbalances.

To prevent the development of these diseases, we need to know how different nutrients interact with each other, what effect they have on different functions of our body and how they participate in the development of chronic diseases.

Functional medicine is the study of these issues. Specialists in this field of medicine do not focus on one specific organ, but on the functioning of the whole system and its interaction with other systems. For example, immune problems can be caused by disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, since 80% of the immune system is located there.

Another example is cardiovascular disease. Oxidative stress, high cholesterol or homocysteine levels, hypertension, stress, increased glucose tolerance, etc. contribute to their development. All of these factors can be influenced by nutrition.

For example, a 2007 study led by C.P. Newman showed the importance of optimal mineral balance and how micronutrient imbalances lead to the development of chronic heart failure.

A systemic approach

Until recently, nutritional recommendations centered around certain foods that supposedly have magical healing properties or, on the contrary, are terribly harmful. Even now, most publications in non-specialized literature, magazines, newspapers and the Internet contain advice to eat more of one or the other or to exclude the third from the diet.

But in recent years, research has increasingly uncovered the significance of the interactions between different nutrients and foods. For example, a 2007 study published in the journal Circulation found that it was the combination of fish, fruit and vegetables in the diet that had an effect on reducing the risk of blood clots, rather than each food individually.

In other words, it’s not so much specific foods that matter, but a person’s diet as a whole.

The Mediterranean diet is considered by experts to be one of the healthiest dietary systems in this respect.

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How healthy eating extends life Mon, 08 Jul 2024 12:55:47 +0000 Everyone has probably heard many times that eating healthy is good for the body. It improves overall health and can prevent certain diseases.

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Everyone has probably heard many times that eating healthy is good for the body. It improves overall health and can prevent certain diseases.

But recent studies have proved that a healthy diet can prolong life, writes Nature. Previous studies have shown that tens of thousands of people died every year because of bad habits. A healthy diet reduces the likelihood of premature death.

Specialists from Norway, Australia and the UK, led by Professor Lars Fadnes conducted a study to understand how compliance with the principles of a balanced diet Eatwell influences life expectancy.

The Eatwell Balanced Nutrition Principles state that you should eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, eat whole grains, high-fiber carbohydrates and low-fat and low-sugar dairy products. You should also reduce your intake of red and processed meat to 70g per day and replace it with low-fat, high-protein and high-fiber foods.

According to the long-term study UK Biobank, conducted to study the influence of genetics and environment on the development of various diseases, allowed scientists to analyze the dietary habits of 467,354 participants.

Thus, according to the study, the average life expectancy of 40-year-old women with a balanced diet is 44.7 years, and men – 41.5 years, for 70-year-olds – 17.6 and 15.5 years, respectively.

For 70-year-old women and men, the increase would be 4.4 years (UI 3.6-5.4 years) and 4 years (UI 3.4-5.1 years), respectively.

Which foods are the healthiest

Whole-grain foods, nuts and fruits contributed the most to improved health. And reducing consumption of sugary drinks and processed meats also had a positive impact on health.

The scientists concluded that the results of the study could help shape health policy in different countries. They suggested using different methods to stimulate healthy eating, such as increasing taxes on unhealthy food.

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Genetically modified foods – a curse or a salvation Sat, 06 Jul 2024 12:48:52 +0000 Do you know that every day we come across products created with the help of a science called genetic engineering?

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Do you know that every day we come across products created with the help of a science called genetic engineering? We put them in the cart of the nearest supermarket, buy them at the market.

It would be useful to understand what genetically modified foods are. Why are they called that, and what distinguishes them from “regular” food? And why do they cause so much controversy and discussion?

What is a genetically modified organism?

Let’s go back to school biology classes. Any plant or animal has thousands of specific traits. A specific gene, a small particle of a DNA molecule, is responsible for the presence of these traits. It determines the presence of a particular trait in an animal or plant. If you remove the gene responsible for a particular trait, the trait itself will disappear. And vice versa: when you add a new gene, you get a new trait. A genetically modified plant can be called a mutant, or a genetically modified organism.

Genetically modified foods are foods derived from transgenic (genetically modified) organisms. This means that foreign genes or genes from another organism are introduced into one organism.

Introduction of genes from one organism into another

Modern science has reached such a level of development that it is quite a solvable task to remove or add a few genes, and at the end of the 20th century, experiments on artificially altering (modifying) plants and animals became very popular and widespread.

Let’s look at some specific examples. Why do you think tomatoes can be stored for a long time without losing their presentation and taste? It turns out that they got the frost resistance gene from the polar flounder. A tomato can stay green for a long time at a temperature of +12°C, but when it gets warm, it immediately turns red. Another striking example is the well-known potato pest, the Colorado potato beetle. Thanks to genetic engineering and a gene derived from a scorpion, potatoes lose all their appeal to this inveterate enemy. And bread with the addition of genetically modified enzymes does not go stale for a long time.

Genetic modifications have two main goals: to improve the nutritional properties of food and to increase yields.

The first goal has been developing very slowly and is not as widespread. Among the achievements in this area to date are: rice enriched with vitamin A; tomatoes. Iron-enriched tomatoes and soybeans with improved fatty acid content.

Another area of development of genetic modifications is aimed at increasing productivity. There are three ways to achieve this goal: the introduction of pest resistance genes, climate resistance genes, and pesticide resistance genes. Much more effort, attention and resources are devoted to these genetic modifications, and they form the basis of modern genetically modified organisms.

Genetically modified tomatoes

Genetically modified foods are foods derived from transgenic (genetically modified) organisms. This means that foreign genes are introduced into one organism or the genes of another organism are modified, mainly soybeans, corn, and rice.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before we completely reject or fanatically accept any innovations, we need to remember that there are two sides to a coin. In order to make a decision, you need to weigh all the positive and negative aspects.

Genetically modified organisms are able not only to grow like their predecessors, but also to survive in conditions where old varieties died (for example, due to different weather conditions). Many of them are not afraid of unexpected frosts, floods, or droughts. The rhizomes of some plants have become so developed that they can retain the maximum amount of moisture. And those varieties that used to be sensitive to low temperatures have become more resistant, which, in turn, has led to the plants entering the period of active growth earlier. New fast-growing varieties of grain crops have also been developed.

The world’s population is increasing every year, and genetically modified foods are designed to save the world’s younger generation from starvation.

Genetically modified foods that are able to protect themselves from insects and pests are characterized by high yields and, as a result, lower production costs.

Resistance to a variety of pests allows for less pesticide use than is required by traditional technologies.

Vegetables and fruits that can resist viruses, bacteria, and fungi have been developed.

Scientists are working to develop varieties of tomatoes and potatoes that contain vaccines and medicines for third world countries, where they will be grown and will not require special storage methods.

Some tree species are bred specifically to eliminate pollution.

The other side of the coin – why many people oppose GM foods

  • Most countries do not have laws regulating the production and consumption of GM foods;
  • Consumers do not know what they are buying and how it will affect their health. For example, a gene from a snowdrop introduced into potatoes for resistance to the Colorado potato beetle causes an increased content of plant pectins, which is unfavorable for mammals. This product affects the immune system, intestines, and can cause kidney, liver, and brain diseases;
  • There is no information on the products about the substances present in the products and their amounts;
  • Environmentalists are concerned that an ecological disaster could occur if genetically modified forms penetrate the wild. For example, when some plants are cross-pollinated, they will acquire a gene for resistance to pesticides and pests, and their reproduction will become uncontrollable;
  • In addition to environmental risk, there is also food risk. Some foods can cause an allergic reaction. An ordinary product, such as a tomato, that contains a fish gene that is invisible to the eye can trigger an allergic reaction in a person who is not tolerant of fish.

Genetically modified foods on store shelves

Most of the registered genetically modified foods are soy-based. Soy is a component of refined oils, margarines, baking fats, mayonnaise and other salad sauces, cooked sausages, cereals and breakfast cereals, pasta, and even baby food if milk powder is used to replace soy milk. Emulsifiers, fillers, and thickeners used as food additives in culinary products are made from soybeans.

Along with soy products, genetically modified foods include those containing corn. Popcorn, which is sold everywhere on the streets, is almost always made from genetically modified corn.

Beautiful, glossy, large, defect-free tomatoes, peppers, strawberries and other vegetables and fruits are very likely to be genetically modified. During the ripening process, vegetables and fruits emit ethylene gas, which accelerates their wilting. Genetically modified foods contain a gene that is resistant to ethylene, which allows the fruit to stay fresh and preserve its presentation for a long time.

Almost all GM products on store shelves are imported. Unfortunately, we don’t currently recognize which of them are natural and which are not. While in the West, genetically modified foods with special labels have long been openly displayed on the shelves, and consumers know what they are buying.

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Hydroponics: what this method is and what a farmer needs it for Thu, 04 Jul 2024 12:23:10 +0000 Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. Instead of soil, nutrient solutions are used. Thus, all the necessary substances in precise proportions are fed directly to the roots.

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Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. Instead of soil, nutrient solutions are used. Thus, all the necessary substances in precise proportions are fed directly to the roots. The hydroponics method is popular among agrarians because it allows to control the growing conditions of the crop more effectively at any time of the year, as well as to reduce the use of water and fertilizers.

The founder of modern technology is considered to be William Frederick Gerik, who introduced the very term “hydroponics” and realized the idea on an industrial scale.

Types of hydroponic systems

There are these main types of hydroponic systems:

  • wick;
  • drip irrigation;
  • tidal;
  • aeroponics;
  • floating platform or DWC;
  • nutrient bed technique.

The choice of system for a plantation depends on the farmer’s needs and resources. To understand what hydroponics is, let’s break down the features and benefits of each type in more detail.

Wick system

This type is one of the most affordable because it does not require special equipment. A wick or cord is passed through the bottom of the pot and immersed in a nutrient solution, which is gradually absorbed and transferred to the roots.

The method is ideal for ornamental crops and cultivation of small-sized vegetables. But note that oxygen access to the solution tank is limited and plants do not develop as quickly due to the passive method of nutrient delivery.

Drip irrigation system

With drip irrigation, the nutrient solution is delivered directly in droplets to the roots through a system of tubes and nozzles. The circulation is controlled by a timer and adjusted according to the needs of the plants. If the system is reversible, excess liquid is redirected back to the reservoir and then used again. Drip irrigation provides precise nutrient dosing and minimal water loss. In a non-reversible system, the pump is adjusted so that no excess nutrient liquid remains.

If you are going to use this method of growing, be aware that regular preventive cleaning of the equipment is necessary to avoid clogging.

Tidal system

The hydroponics method involves the use of a tidal system. In this system, the nutrient solution is poured in at a certain time, according to a timer. When its supply stops, it is drained back into the tank by gravity through special holes. The process is repeated several times a day.

An unforeseen power outage or power surge can negatively affect the growth and development of plants.


Plants are grown in an airy environment where their roots are enveloped in a mist of nutrient solution. The system ensures that oxygen is highly available to the roots so that they are better able to absorb nutrients, which accelerates plant growth.

This system also minimizes water use and allows precise control of the nutrient composition. But it is important to keep an eye on the timer, adjust it and clean the equipment constantly.

Floating Platform or Deep Water Culture

Plants are placed on floating materials such as foam or special floating nets, with the roots fully submerged in the nutrient solution. Oxygen is delivered by an air pump.

This method of hydroponics is effective for small crops that need a lot of water. For larger crops, additional supports or clamps must be used.

Nutrient bed technique

The plants are in a container with an irrigation channel. By flowing down the channel in a thin layer, the nutrient solution bathes the roots and returns to the tank. The solution can be distributed either cyclically or continuously. Cyclic feeding provides better aeration of roots, but is difficult to implement.

The main disadvantage of this approach is the dependence on the pump. Breakdown or sudden power failure can lead to rapid drying out of roots. Also, this technology is not suitable for growing crops with large and developed root systems.

Advantages of hydroponics:

  • High performance. Thanks to optimal water and nutrient control, you can get more yields. Plants mature 25% faster than in the ground;
  • Space saving. Plants receive their nutrition directly, so the roots do not spread across the plot and take up less space;
  • Water saving. Hydroponics uses significantly less water because the liquid is circulated and reused;
  • Minimize pests. No soil reduces the risk of disease and pests, reducing or avoiding pesticide use altogether;
  • Nutrient control. You can control and provide your plants with the right amount of nutrients on your own, while they are easily leached from the soil;
  • The ability to grow plants year round. Hydroponics is easy to use indoors, allowing you to control the climate of your plantings;
  • Absence of weeds. Hydroponic systems are adapted for the growing phase, not the germination phase, so weed seeds do not germinate.

Among the disadvantages:

  • High equipment costs. Initial investment can be significant, especially when using more sophisticated technologies such as aeroponics or artificial light systems;
  • Requires careful monitoring. Parameters such as pH and nutrient levels must be constantly monitored and adjusted;
  • Dependence on electricity. Pumps, lighting and control systems require a continuous supply of electricity to operate;
  • Need for preventive cleaning of the system. Tubes must not be allowed to clog.

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Why we don’t feel like eating in the heat – study Mon, 01 Jul 2024 13:21:37 +0000 If you don't eat anything at all during a heat wave, there is a logical explanation. Scientists shared a study, where they told us in detail why we do not want to eat in the heat.

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If you don’t eat anything at all during a heat wave, there is a logical explanation. Scientists shared a study, where they told us in detail why we do not want to eat in the heat. Read in our material useful research.

The study was shared by the online encyclopedia britannica. We are living organisms and part of the system around us. Therefore, the body adapts to the changes happening around us.

The body gives a reaction to heat – it sweats. For thermoregulation in the body is responsible hypothalamus – a bundle of nerve cells that is located in the human brain. In addition to thermoregulation, it controls the processes of hormone production, responsible for hunger and thirst, blood pressure and coordination of circadian rhythms.

If the temperature outside rises, the hypothalamus is signaled through the body’s thermoreceptors to cool the body. It then heats up even more or sweats.

During digestion, the body produces a lot of heat to maintain body temperature. This is why it can be quite difficult to eat in the heat, because when the skin is heated, it is quite difficult to continue to do so with lunch or dinner.

The hypothalamus reduces appetite, so you do not want to eat in the heat, so as not to heat up the body unnecessarily. And of the hormones responsible for hunger is ghrelin. After being synthesized in the stomach, it goes to the hypothalamus.

After that, we start to feel hunger. When the body and the body is overheated, the hypothalamus is engaged in the cooling process, so it does not respond to the hunger hormone. This is why appetite is reduced.

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Innovations in the food industry Fri, 21 Jun 2024 12:18:00 +0000 New high-protein peas, lab-grown ice cream, and calorie-free sweeteners are all part of the greener, healthier food supply of the future.

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New high-protein peas, lab-grown ice cream, and calorie-free sweeteners are all part of the greener, healthier food supply of the future. Innovations in the food industry can do many things: reduce resource consumption, protect workers, and replace animal protein with plant-based ones.

Perfect Day: artificial ice cream

Perfect Day creates milk proteins (casein and whey) identical to those found in milk by fermenting mushrooms. Last year, the company introduced its first commercial product, an all-plant dessert developed in collaboration with the Brave Robot ice cream brand.

Apeel: longer shelf life for fruits and vegetables and less plastic
The company is known for creating plant-based coatings for foods that increase their shelf life. Recently, Apeel introduced a shell specifically for apples, and also supplied cucumbers without plastic packaging to more than 100 Walmart stores, removing 27 kg of plastic from the annual supply chain.

AI cameras monitor kitchen order in Shanghai restaurants

KanKan has developed AI-powered cameras that make sure that chefs and their assistants wear masks and caps. Artificial intelligence instantly detects any deviation from sanitary standards and saves images with details of the violation, which are then reviewed by healthcare institutions in China. So far, the technology is used in 200 restaurants, but in the near future it is planned to be implemented in 2,000 more facilities and then distributed to all catering establishments in the country.

Winnow Solutions: controlling food waste

London-based Winnow Solutions develops technology for catering and hotel organizations that helps reduce food waste and financial costs. Special devices track food consumption through weight monitoring, thereby showing staff the value of what they throw away. The new AI-powered version of Winnow Vision is used by IKEA and Armani Hotels.

The food factory in the German city of Heppenheim is one of the largest enterprises in Europe. It produces 500 liters of Langnese ice cream every minute. To cool the finished product, the factory uses liquid ammonia, which can cause severe chemical burns. To protect employees, the plant’s management has installed sensors that respond to ammonia levels. When the concentration of the substance in the air becomes high, alarms are triggered, employees are notified and can evacuate.

Artificial intelligence and the Internet control water production

Startup Wi-Next creates devices and programs for collecting data from industrial machines, including those in the food industry. The company has developed receptors that are installed on the production line of bottled water. Using the devices, factory workers check how full each bottle is. The data from the sensors is sent via Wi-Fi to the Wi-Next program and then sent to the cloud. The information can then be analyzed to understand how to adjust or improve the production process.

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Vertical farms – saving resources and harvesting all year round Wed, 19 Jun 2024 12:13:00 +0000 In parallel with the technologies for growing alternative protein foods, we are developing new methods of cultivating agricultural plants.

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In parallel with the technologies for growing alternative protein foods, we are developing new methods of cultivating agricultural plants. Vertical farms are a new technology for growing vegetables and herbs, which allows you to get large yields on a small area while using a minimum of water. In urban environments, vertical farms do not take up much space, will always be nearby and can be harvested all year round. A vertical farm can simultaneously contain several sectors for plants grown using different technologies: in an airy environment without soil; in an artificial environment without soil; completely in an aquatic environment. All sectors are powered by alternative energy sources, using solar panels and biogas generators.

The design of the vertical farm protects crops from weather disasters and guarantees a full harvest. Ideal conditions are maintained through a system of temperature, carbon dioxide and humidity control, thereby increasing the yield per hectare by four to six times compared to traditional cultivation in the fields. Vertical farms produce only organic products and get five times the yield of grain, vegetables and fruits as in standard field cultivation. Beds on shelves and containers with soil do not depend on weather variability, protection from pests, and do not require large sown areas.

Singapore-based Sky Greens has built the world’s first commercial vertical farm. The 38-tiered tower, which resembles the letter “A,” revolves around aluminum beams, thus ensuring the correct distribution of water, sunlight, and air for plants. But it is not necessary to build separate buildings to create vertical farms – abandoned plants and factories can be used. AeroFarms constructed a vertical farm in a former foundry building and now produces 30 harvests a year, growing 900 tons of vegetables. Their Finnish counterparts, Exsilio Oy, developed the concept of the EkoFarmer mobile urban farm in the form of a 13-meter-long container that contains several shelves with beds for growing vegetables, herbs, and leafy greens. The farm requires only water and electricity to operate, so it can be installed next to a restaurant, shop, or near residential buildings, and can be easily transported from one point of the city to another.

The only drawback of vertical farm technology is its high cost: initial investments of $200 million to $500 million are required. Such cash outlays affect the cost of products grown in a vertical farm, which so far negates all arguments about the environment and increased production.

Benefits and harms of artificial food

Modern nutritionists recommend eating as many natural products as possible, and marketers actively promote the word “natural” as a synonym for safety and health benefits. Against this backdrop, the development of new technologies for growing artificial food does not fit into the concept of healthiness. And the question arises: how healthy is such food and why is it necessary to create it?

There are many arguments in favor of artificial food: using the principles of engineering in biotechnology to create products of the future, we can overcome the threat of world hunger, protect animals and the environment. More than 50% of greenhouse gases are produced by the meat industry, and about 1900 liters of water are consumed to produce half a kilogram of meat. Due to the constant use of antibiotics in the process of raising poultry and cattle, eating meat produced in a traditional way increases the risk of cancer by 20%. And test-tube meat is free of harmful bacteria and viruses, which almost completely eliminates the risk of human infection with bird and swine flu, rabies, and salmonellosis. It can also be used to reduce the number of heart diseases by regulating the fat content of artificial meat.

Savings in the production of artificial products is another argument in its favor. For example, to produce 1 kg of poultry, pork, and beef, 2, 4, and 7 kg of grain are required, respectively. Growing meat in the laboratory will eliminate waste and surplus, save feed, natural resources, and energy consumption. According to research conducted by scientists from the Universities of Oxford and Amsterdam, Hannah L. Tuomisto and M. Jost Teixeira de Mattos, the technology of growing meat in vitro will reduce energy consumption per unit of production by 35-60% and reduce the land area required for production by 98%. And when using the technology of vertical farms for growing plants, water consumption is reduced by 95%. The environment is also in favor of artificial products – their production can reduce environmental impact by up to 60%.

But there are also disadvantages. One is the amount of heat and electricity required to produce artificial meat on a massive scale. The costs are considerable, and its environmental impact can be on the same scale as that of traditional meat production. The transition to artificial products will also have a serious impact on farmers, displacing their business if demand for traditionally grown products decreases. Companies that are currently investing millions of dollars in the creation of artificial food hope that in the future their investments will pay off with interest, because everyone wants to be healthy, live on a green planet and not go hungry. And with a skillful marketing pitch, people will be happy to buy artificial foods – today, many people are thinking about the environment and animal protection.

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New organic products will save humanity from hunger Sun, 09 Jun 2024 12:01:00 +0000 The number of people inhabiting our planet will reach 10 billion in the near future. In order to feed humanity, it will be necessary to produce twice as much food as we do now.

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The number of people inhabiting our planet will reach 10 billion in the near future. In order to feed humanity, it will be necessary to produce twice as much food as we do now. Increasing food and livestock production can lead to serious environmental problems that could result in a food crisis. Disappointing forecasts are forcing scientists to think about alternative options for growing food on an industrial scale. To this end, huge investments are being made in artificial meat growing technologies, the creation of vertical farms, and the search for new alternative products that will save humanity from hunger.

Meat from a test tube is an escape from the greenhouse effect

The active development of livestock farming and the increasing use of land resources for growing fodder are gradually worsening the ecology of the globe. Cattle, along with large enterprises, are one of the main polluters of the environment. In many countries, livestock farms emit more greenhouse gases than all cars, airplanes, and thermal power plants combined. At the same time, livestock are increasingly competing with humans for resources because they require large spaces, food, water, electricity, and fuel. In the UK, 90% and in the US, 70% of agricultural land is used for pasture or planted with animal feed.

There will soon be nowhere to increase the production of animals for human consumption – this is a dead end for the planet’s development. That’s why scientists and large investors have been developing artificial meat and other products for several years to provide humanity with the necessary volumes of food. And they have all come to the same conclusion – it is necessary to create artificial meat that will taste like regular meat, but will be much healthier.

NASA scientists were among the first to think about in vitro meat in 2001, when the technology was needed to provide adequate nutrition for astronauts on the ISS. Today, the production of artificial meat is reaching commercial scale. In 2013, Mark Post, a professor at Maastricht University, was the first to demonstrate test-tube-grown meat to the world. His “artificial cow hamburger” weighing 140 grams was virtually indistinguishable in taste from the natural one. However, the cost of its production at that time amounted to 330 thousand dollars. But in just a few years, further technological developments reduced the cost of the process by almost 30 thousand times. Today, the price of artificial meat is about $60 per kilogram, and an artificial hamburger costs about $10.

The age of artificial intelligence: will humans survive?

The technology of growing meat consists of three stages: first, animal stem cells, from which muscle tissue develops, are taken and placed in a nutrient medium necessary for cell growth and division. Then a piece of real meat is introduced into it – the basis around which new cells grow. The next step is to maintain cell movement and temperature, and supply the cells with oxygen and nutrients. To do this, bioreactors are created in the laboratory, where meat cells grow, enriched with oxygen and removing their waste products. And after a while, meat appears in the tubes, which can be cooked and eaten. To date, there are two types of artificial meat: unbound muscle cells and muscles formed from fibers. In the near future, it is planned to grow whole steaks to meet all the demands of the population.

The main problem with the existing method of growing meat is the use of live fibers supplied by donor animals. The American company Just has solved this problem and in 2018 launched the production of artificial meat without the use of whey, which is the most expensive and ethically controversial component in the process of growing meat. Just managed to reduce the cost of the production process, and soon the US market will see inexpensive sausages, hamburgers, and nuggets made from artificial meat grown without the use of donor animal cells. The cost of such meat is comparable to the price of regular meat. And if their taste is indistinguishable from natural meat, they will be able to push traditional meat products in sales.

Artificial eggs and milk – clean food without allergens

Dairy products made from plant-based ingredients already account for 9% of the US market. The California-based startup Perfect Day decided to offer customers a new type of artificial milk based on genetically modified yeast. The DNA of nutritional yeast was genetically modified, after which its microorganisms produced milk proteins, including casein, lactoglobulin, and lactalbumin. The production process resembles brewing, and the finished product, according to the company, has most of the properties of cow’s milk. Perfect Day also promotes its technology as a basis for creating imitation cheeses and various yogurts. At the same time, milk based on GMO yeast is not contraindicated for people suffering from allergies and intolerance to milk bacteria.

Egg-free vegan eggs have long been popular among people who do not consume animal products. Beyond Eggs, which are artificially produced, went on sale in the United States in 2013. The plant-based eggs are free of antibiotics, cholesterol, and harmful microorganisms. Bill Gates noted their environmental friendliness and ethical production “without the use of chickens”. These eggs are made from a vegetable cocktail that includes more than 12 ingredients. The producers have managed to fully recreate all the properties of eggs that are necessary for making omelets and baking. And today they are working on the development of artificial eggs with a texture that is indistinguishable from natural eggs.

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How diet and lifestyle change our genetics Sun, 02 Jun 2024 11:58:00 +0000 First, a brief overview of what Epigenetics is. Epigenetics is a branch of science that studies how our lifestyle (diet, stress levels, etc.) and environment affect our genes

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First, a brief overview of what Epigenetics is. Epigenetics is a branch of science that studies how our lifestyle (diet, stress levels, etc.) and environment affect our genes. All of these factors can activate or deactivate certain genes without changing the DNA sequence. Vicente Mera, Head of Genomic Medicine and Healthy Aging at SHA Wellness Clinic, says, “Although epigenetics is a very young discipline and we still don’t know about many of the factors involved, we do know that diet is one of the most important.”

To better understand how diet interacts with our genetic material, Dr. Mera gives the following example: “The Japanese have a very healthy diet, but also a very specific diet because it has hardly changed over time. This is one of the reasons that Japan is the country with the highest life expectancy in the world.” To understand how diet changes our genes, here are the results of a study of the living habits of 5,000 Japanese who stayed in Düsseldorf after World War II. Over the years, they adapted to their new environment and changed both their diet and lifestyle. Since they did not have access to healthy foods in Düsseldorf that they used to eat in their homeland, such as miso soup or daikon, they replaced them with local foods. As a result, the second and third generations of these Japanese became overweight and their life expectancy decreased. That is, epigenetic changes, both positive and negative, were passed on to the next generations.”

Our body composition is written in our genes, but we can change it through diet. Dr. Vicente explains it this way: “Overweight people tend to come from families with a predisposition to obesity. However, this genetic tendency can be reversed with a healthy and balanced diet. In fact, we know that certain foods have a high potential for epigenetic transformation and can prevent processes that accelerate cellular aging, such as oxidation and glycation, or improve autophagy.”

Interestingly, previous generations, despite lacking the information and knowledge we have now, ate healthier than we do now. We have messed up much of the epigenetics that our grandparents passed on to us. They ate a lot of fresh produce, the basis of their diet was the Mediterranean diet, which is very rich in fiber. Today, on the contrary, most people abuse ultra-processed foods, which leads to an increase in the number of people with digestive problems or the development of food intolerances such as gluten or lactose intolerance. A big problem with 21st century society is that we have so much to do during the day that we barely have time to think about food. It’s faster to heat up a ready meal in the microwave than it is to make a lentil stew. This ends up taking a toll on our health. However, we can’t try to live like we used to because modern lifestyles are completely different. So we have to find a balance, think about the medium and long term, try to go to the market, and cook healthy and, if possible, seasonal food at home. In short, taking the time to eat healthy is not only a philosophy of life, but also an investment in our health and the health of our future children.

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Genetics and eating behavior Tue, 28 May 2024 11:55:00 +0000 It is believed that a person's dietary preferences are largely determined by culture and upbringing. People who are trying to get rid of excess weight often hear the same advice

The post Genetics and eating behavior appeared first on Sugarlogix.

It is believed that a person’s dietary preferences are largely determined by culture and upbringing. People who are trying to get rid of excess weight often hear the same advice – to change their diet and eating habits or just eat less. The advice is sound, but is it so easy to change your eating habits if they are “predetermined” by your genes?

Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School conducted a full genomic DNA analysis of 282,271 participants in the UK Biobank (n=191,157) and Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology Consortium (n=91,114) studies and found 26 genetic loci associated with a preference for foods rich in protein, carbohydrates or fat.

This is one of the largest full-genome studies of eating behavior and dietary factors to date, published in 2021 in Nature Human Behaviour. It confirmed the predominant role of molecular genetic factors in the regulation of eating behavior and dietary preferences in humans.

Does this mean that a person is “destined” to be fat or thin, sweet-toothed or low-eating?
To understand this, it is necessary to understand what is gene polymorphism, and what factors affect the expression of our genes, i.e. which of them will work, and which will remain as a “code”.

Gene polymorphisms are various inherited variations in the structure of DNA. Gene polymorphisms mainly determine individual differences in any of a person’s qualities: eye or hair color, blood type, nose shape, etc. Some of the polymorphisms can be one of the factors of predisposition to diseases, for the development of which it is necessary to have such hereditary predisposition plus the impact of unfavorable external conditions: the nature of nutrition, the intake of toxins into the body, vitamin deficiency and so on.

What is epigenetics?

In addition to heredity, our DNA is affected by everything that happens to us during our lives. Epigenetics is a branch of genetics that studies how our behavior and environment affect the way our genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible.

The genome is a “passport” in which all possible variants of an individual’s development are recorded, but the program by which the organism will develop depends largely on epigenetic factors. In other words, the work of genes directly depends on the environment.

And the first environment at the stage of the earliest development of any human being is the mother’s organism. Genetic polymorphisms laid down at the intrauterine stage largely depend on epigenetic factors affecting the future mother. In particular, studies have shown that exposure to harmful chemical factors in the mother’s body leads to changes in the epigenome that contribute to the formation of a state of systemic inflammation with lifelong effects and consequences for the newborn. This is why it is so important what kind of lifestyle a woman leads long before the planned pregnancy. What and how she eats, drinks, whether her body is exposed to harmful chemical and other factors.

Active study of the human microbiome has shown that the nature of nutrition of the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding has a direct impact on the formation of intestinal microflora of the fetus and newborn, and the composition of the microbiome depends on the food preferences of the person and his overall health. Thus, the formation of healthy habits begins in utero.

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