How does coffee affect the human body?


Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world, the influence, benefits and harms of which have been debated for hundreds of years. Many scientific articles have been written about it and many studies have been conducted. To what conclusions scientists have come to, we tell you in this article.

The effect of caffeine on the body is largely due to its influence on the central nervous system. Reaching the brain, it binds to receptors that stimulate the psyche, invigorate, increase mental and physical performance. Therefore, a person who has had a cup of coffee in the morning is instantly “awake”. Plus, caffeine increases the level of the hormone dopamine in the blood, which is responsible for feelings of joy, pleasure, desire to achieve goals. Accordingly, the mood improves.

At the same time, it is important to realize that caffeine stimulates only in small doses. If you drink too many cups, a person, on the contrary, will become sluggish, there will be problems with concentration and attention.

The influence of caffeine on the body: other effects

Stimulation of the psyche is not the only effect of coffee on the body:

  • The beans contain magnesium, B vitamins, riboflamine, and nicotinic acid, which improve metabolism;
  • Too much caffeine makes the heart beat strongly, but blood pressure in healthy people almost does not increase;
  • Under the influence of caffeine, platelets stick together less, so a person who drinks coffee in moderate amounts has a lower risk of blood clots;
  • The drink is full of antioxidants, which inhibit premature cell destruction and the development of cancer. Especially a lot of them in unroasted beans.

Another effect of Arabica and Robusta, which attracted attention, is caused by the fact that after drinking a cup, many people will experience the desire to visit the toilet. In reality, caffeine has no effect on this. Other substances that are part of the beans are to blame. Which ones – it was not possible to determine. Scientists believe that their impact is indirect, and directly to the urges lead to other processes associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Is coffee good for health?

Yes, it is, but in moderation. According to studies, a dose of up to 400 mg per day does not have a negative impact on health. The only thing is that contraindications should be taken into account. If they are present, it is better to refuse or limit consumption.

Useful properties of caffeine

Coffee short-term improves attention, concentration, memory, especially during fatigue. Increase the ability to learn, productivity. This is not the only benefit of coffee for the body.

Among other positive properties it is worth highlighting:

  • Reduction of depression, nervousness;
  • Improvement of mood;
  • Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Stimulation of intestinal motor activity;
  • Reducing the formation of kidney stones, as caffeine prevents crystals from sticking together.

Studies have shown that coffee beans reduce the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, multiple sclerosis. Roasting the beans produces phenyllandanes, substances that prevent the proteins that destroy brain cells and stimulate the development of these diseases. Dark roasted beans are more effective in this respect than medium or weak roasted beans.

Caffeine also has a positive effect on the respiratory system, which is why it is recommended for asthma. As for apnea (sleep apnea), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the effect of coffee on the body is not fully understood, but studies show its benefits in these diseases.

Is it harmful to drink coffee

Espresso, Americano and other coffee drinks should be consumed in limited quantities, otherwise side effects may occur:

  • increased blood pressure in hypertensive people;
  • heart and vascular problems; risk of gout due to metabolic disorders;
  • gastritis due to increased secretion of gastric juice, especially if taken on an empty stomach;
  • depression, anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • leaching of calcium, other valuable minerals and electrolytes from the body;
  • excretion of water from the body, so after even one cup it is recommended to drink water without gas.

Excess caffeine causes tachycardia and arrhythmias and increases blood pressure. For this reason, it should be carefully drunk by people with cardiovascular diseases.

A person who is accustomed to coffee, without it in the morning it will be difficult to cheer up, to fully wake up. There may be nervousness, irritability, problems with concentration, attention. These sensations are temporary, they can be resisted, and after a while they disappear.

How and how much coffee can be drunk per day

To prevent complications, it is important to consume the drink in the recommended amounts, do not allow coffee overdose. Preference is better to give preference to natural quality varieties in beans. Ground, and even more so instant, often contain harmful additives.