Omega-3 in foods


Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in plant foods, including alpha-linolenic acid. Its sources are pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds, as well as oil from them. ALA is present in walnuts, hemp seeds, olive, mustard and rapeseed oils.

The most valuable types of omega-3 – eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid – are found in fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, tuna, trout, halibut and others) and seafood.

It is important to note that during thermal processing, the amount of PUFAs can decrease, so the body often under-receives nutrients, which in turn makes it difficult to cover the daily requirement for them.

Are there deficiency states

Not consuming enough foods containing omega-3 fatty acids can lead to the development of a deficiency. You should look out for the following symptoms that may indicate a deficiency of these nutrients:

  • skin and hair problems;
  • depression and apathy;
  • decreased concentration;
  • fatigue and sleep disturbances;
  • joint pain;
  • dry eyes.

If you have some of these symptoms, do not rush to self-medicate. Consult a doctor to ensure that you are properly selected the drug and its dosage.

To avoid deficiency states, it is important to consume polyunsaturated fatty acids regularly. The minimum daily intake for adult men and women is 0.25 g (34). But again, the daily dosage can be altered depending on certain factors, such as due to high-intensity exercise, various diseases, during pregnancy, etc.

Omega-3 supplements

If your body is deficient in PUFAs, it is important to think about how to make up for the deficiency. There are two options: revise your diet to include more omega-3 rich foods, or purchase omega-3 supplements.

Quite often many people resort to the help of nutritional supplements. Agree, it is very convenient. Taking a small capsule of the drug, you are guaranteed to saturate the body with nutrients. Today on the market there is a huge variety of different bio supplements with fish oil. You can choose a preparation both for yourself and for a child. The dosage of omega-3 in each of the options is different, so you will be able to choose a preparation that will maximally suit your requirements.

How to take omega-3

It is better to take biopreparations based on PUFAs during meals. Thus, nutrients are better digested and the body can get them in sufficient quantities. And thanks to the tasteless and odorless gelatin capsules, even children can take the preparations.

Can there be an overabundance and how dangerous it is?

Of course, an excess of omega-3 fatty acids can be observed when taking higher dosages – over 3 g per day. This usually manifests itself as heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, it is always a good idea to follow the instructions on the label and your doctor’s recommendations, if any. Keep in mind that each person’s need for fish oil may be different.