What is healthier to drink – tea or coffee


Traditionally, people are divided into tea drinkers and coffee drinkers. Usually the main criterion is taste. But no less important are the properties and effect on the body.

The effect of tea on the body

The properties of tea depend on its variety. It is scientifically proven that thanks to gentle processing, green tea retains more useful substances than black varieties. But there are benefits in tea of any kind, it:

  • has a powerful antioxidant effect;
  • reduces the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer;
  • accelerates weight loss;
  • stimulates brain function and increases concentration;
  • tones and gently invigorates;
  • contains a minimum of calories.

Tea is a natural beverage that has a minimum of contraindications, it is allowed to drink even for children. However, any drink, whether it is tea or coffee, it is important not to abuse.

A healthy person should drink no more than 5-6 cups of tea a day. If you prefer a strongly brewed, tart infusion, it is desirable to limit yourself to two or three cups.

The effect of coffee on the body

Drinking a cup of hot aromatic coffee is a favorite morning ritual of many of us. Despite the contradictory information that can be found on the Internet, scientists consider coffee to be a useful drink. Naturally, when consumed in reasonable amounts.


  • increases efficiency and quickly invigorates;
  • improves emotional well-being, reduces the severity of depression;
  • helps eliminate headaches by dilating blood vessels;
  • reduces the risk of liver, colon, skin cancer;
  • reduces appetite.

Experts recommend limiting yourself to 3-4 cups of coffee a day, provided that other caffeine-containing products are excluded from your daily diet.

However, coffee is not good for everyone. For example, in periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is desirable for a woman to limit the intake of caffeine in the body. Also, you should not drink the drink with peptic ulcer, gastritis and hypertension. If you have any disease, and it does not matter whether you like tea or coffee, discuss your individual norm with your doctor.

Which is healthier: tea or coffee

Which is better, tea or coffee? Both drinks have tons of health benefits.

Tea caffeine works slowly and gently, keeps your body energized and improves cognitive function. But if you are tired and sleep-deprived, and the power of tea is not enough, coffee will come to the rescue. It acts faster, more strongly stimulates the nervous system and increases efficiency. Only the effect does not last long, and for a new portion of vigor will have to run to the coffee shop again. Tea caffeine has a longer lasting effect.

Whether to drink tea or coffee in the morning depends on your goal and taste preferences. Studies have proven that coffee is beneficial for the body, while tea contains many substances that favorably affect its functioning. However, tea has fewer contraindications and is not addictive.

If you are wondering what is better – tea or coffee, do not forget about the individual characteristics of the body. Someone can completely give up coffee in favor of puerh, oolong or black varieties. Someone is still not ready to sacrifice a cup of coffee. It is possible to drink both drinks in reasonable quantities and get maximum benefit.