Why we don’t feel like eating in the heat – study


If you don’t eat anything at all during a heat wave, there is a logical explanation. Scientists shared a study, where they told us in detail why we do not want to eat in the heat. Read in our material useful research.

The study was shared by the online encyclopedia britannica. We are living organisms and part of the system around us. Therefore, the body adapts to the changes happening around us.

The body gives a reaction to heat – it sweats. For thermoregulation in the body is responsible hypothalamus – a bundle of nerve cells that is located in the human brain. In addition to thermoregulation, it controls the processes of hormone production, responsible for hunger and thirst, blood pressure and coordination of circadian rhythms.

If the temperature outside rises, the hypothalamus is signaled through the body’s thermoreceptors to cool the body. It then heats up even more or sweats.

During digestion, the body produces a lot of heat to maintain body temperature. This is why it can be quite difficult to eat in the heat, because when the skin is heated, it is quite difficult to continue to do so with lunch or dinner.

The hypothalamus reduces appetite, so you do not want to eat in the heat, so as not to heat up the body unnecessarily. And of the hormones responsible for hunger is ghrelin. After being synthesized in the stomach, it goes to the hypothalamus.

After that, we start to feel hunger. When the body and the body is overheated, the hypothalamus is engaged in the cooling process, so it does not respond to the hunger hormone. This is why appetite is reduced.